Happy New Year Everyone

So it’s New Year’s Day and I’m so excited everyone’s throwing fireworks or hanging out with their families. I haven’t made any new year resolutions yet but I will today. I said before to make resolutions that you will be able to keep. I know that many people want to accomplish some great things this year but it’s always good to start small.

Happy new year everyone

December is Here

Christmas is almost here, I can feel the excitement particularly in my town right now. Christmas is a time for joy and love and the time most people take this time to forget about their worries. I hope Christmas comes sooner it seems November left a load on a lot of people’s mind with the election results. All I can say to anyone who still looks at is to not lose hope. Who knows maybe everything will be okay.

As I told my American friends affected by the results clam down think about it. You are a person you are valid and your opinions matter. No matter how uncertain things seem right now have hope.

Right now breathe in some of that Christmas cheer and spend time with people you love doing things you love.